

Adoption Correspondence

In semi-open adoptions, families send yearly updates to birth parents. Here are some of our best ideas!

An Open Door Adoption : Correspondence

One of the most important aspects of the post-adoption process is correspondence. Because we facilitate semi-open adoptions, birth mothers have the opportunity to watch their child grow up through pictures and letters.  It brings incredible peace and joy to a birth mother, knowing her child is being raised in a loving, Christian family.

You will send sharing sheets and pictures to the agency for the first six months of your baby’s life. After that, you will send an update and pictures around your child’s birthday until they are 18 years old.

All updates are sent to my attention here at the agency. This allows your child’s birthmother to be part of your child’s life in a safe way, with the agency as the facilitator of all contact, unless otherwise indicated.

I talk to birth mothers every day, and receiving these glimpses into the lives of the child they placed for adoption means so much to them. Being timely and descriptive in your updates is a small way to say thank you to the woman who lovingly chose your family as adoptive parents.

Sincerely, Kristin


0-6 months

  • Sharing sheets
  • Close-up photographs of your baby

1-18 years old

  • A letter outlining your child’s year
  • Favorite foods
  • Milestones
  • Vacations
  • School subjects
  • Funny phrases
  • Whatever else you would like her to know!
  • Pictures, lots of pictures! Family pictures are great as well.
  • Some families even create beautiful hardbound photo books for their birth mother. This is not required, but what a beautiful keepsake for her to have!

When to Send It.

A correspondence agreement means you will send pictures and a letter:

  • Once a month for the six months
  • Once a year (At child’s birthday) until your child is 18

Where To Send It.

Please mail your correspondence to:

An Open Door Adoption Agency, Inc. Attn: Correspondence   PO Box 4 Thomasville, GA 31799


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